I just wanted to let everyone know that yet another baby will be joining the recent list of new arrivals in our family...Craig and I will be having our second baby due to arrive December 1st. I'm 15 weeks along. I planned it that way so I wouldn't have to do any cooking or cleanup on Thanksgiving. :) Sarah is hoping for a sister and her parents don't mind either way. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that her Dad wants a boy. We don't plan on finding out the gender until the big day. When I told Grandma the news she said "It's about time." The kids will only be 17 months (pretty much to the day) apart, but I guess in Grandma's time that would be spaced pretty far. (hehe)
We just got back from a vacation at Seneca Lake with my siblings and their families. We rented a cottage on the lake for a week. A great time was had by all! We went to Watkins Glenn, visited Geneva, hiked in Ithaca, canoed, toasted smores, played Rock Band, visited various wineries and ate a lot of food. They offer root beer to the non drinkers at wineries. Isaac and Sarah played together and got along most of the time. We have decided that this will be a recurring event every year but are unsure of where the next location will be.
Until later,
v 1.1