Sister Peggy here checking in with a few pictures from 2369 Doran Road and the old Decker Homestead. In the photo at the left is me at about two months of age taking a full belly pounding from brother Bernie (13 months old) with brother Joe (3 1/2 years old) in the supporting role. In the back ground is our trusty, old dog, Socks. Unfortunately there's no audio but I'm sure Joe is saying, "What the heck! She hasn't burped yet!?"
:circa 1960

Can you can guess who the folks are in the photo to the left? You might be surprised who these players are. Start from left to right, first row we have Peggy, Andrew Bernie; 2nd row left to right we have "Mountain" (Martin) Grandpa Bayer, Mom, Dad and the fellow on the far right is Slim, Strap-Slappy Pickins (a.k.a Joe-boy).
: circa June 1968