I’ve been meaning to scan some of the photos in our numerous, family albums and save them digitally. After a few computer crashes and the loss of a backup drive I’ll have to devise a well thought-out plan.
… And so, instead of watching the slow crash of the stock market for yet another day, I decided to play with some photos and my digital scanner. Can you guess who this character is? Yes, that’s right the vanity have jumped, not ‘crawled’ forward on this posting. It’s me! ‘Bird-Boy’ circa 1956 or something. Mom gave it to me a long while back and it’s survived the trip from Penfield, N.Y. to Lima, N.Y. to San Diego and the Clairemont house, then the SD Penasquitos house, then the move to N. Charleston, SC and finally back to Penasquitos/San Diego, CA (wow… the poor darn thing!).
I checked out the back of the photo before I scanned it and there was a very faint bit of printing on it. I immediate rummaged around the house for my reading glasses, a common occurrence these days, to get a better look at the printing. It read:
George W. Allen
320 Laurelton Rd
Rochester 9, N.Y.
Wow! So long ago that the zip code is simply ‘9’! I wonder what the zip code for Lima, N.Y. was? …. ‘X’! (just kiddin, just kiddin).
Anyway, I found another picture to scan, in fact I pulled the sucker right off the wall and removed it from the frame. This one feature our three boys. It was taken in the southern part of the Anza Borrego Desert circa 1990.
Notice the coveted Ghost Buster T-shirt on boy #2. It was initially worn by Justin, washed so many times that the 3-D decal on the front, completely obliterated and fell-off and then was passed down to boy #2. Clothes passed-down is a great tradition in the Decker Family. I’m sure that my Sears, Tough Skin Pants are still perfectly intact at the bottom of the old Lima dump… the one at the end of Buell St. or something or other.
Take care and keep on posting to the DeckerFamilyBlog.