Monday, March 23, 2009

Joaquin and Leticia

Here are photos of Joaquin and his fiancee, Leticia, during their visit to Webster last summer.
Joaquin stayed with us two summers as a young lad, and Bernard stayed with Joaquin's family in Zaragosa, Spain as a sophomore in high school. Or thereabouts. Joaquin will always be a member of the family. Joaquin is now a Process Engineer for Procter and Gamble and lives in Italy. If you ask him what he does at work, he'll reply "I make diapers".

1 comment:

  1. I'll be the fact checker on this one.

    Bernie went to Spain the summer after his sophomore year in high school... so you got that one right :). Joaquin and Leticia live in Germany (Bonn, Germany I believe).

    Man, look how sunny and green it is in those pics. And we're wearing shorts!! Wippee.
