Friday, July 30, 2010

Comic-Con tribute

In tribute to the huge, annual Comic-Con Convention that recently concluded at the San Diego Convention Center, I submitted the following photo entitled, "Young Candy Gatherers."
... you got your hunters, your gatherers, your hunter-gatherers and then you got your young, candy gatherers. jd/sd

Cooking Lessons

... another photo provided by Peggy. Kristen getting cooking instructions from her Grandmother.
(Thanksgiving 2006)

Mom and Dad's 60st Anniversary Photo

A very nice photo provided by sister Peggy. Mom & Dad's 60st Wedding Anniversary photo taken July 2nd, 2009.

.... and in a blast from the past, Peggy's "Green Thumb" project/garden at the old Decker Homestead in Lima; ....the garden behind the cow barn, remember?
Peggy is shown her with the little Irish girl from NYC that our family (Mom) hosted in conjunction with the 'Fresh Air Program'.
Was her name Irma?

Peggy's 'Green Thumb' projects taken from her old apartment on Mt. Vernon Ave., Rochester, NY (photo cira 2004-05).