Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello Family Bloggers!

Sister Peggy here checking in with a few pictures from 2369 Doran Road and the old Decker Homestead. In the photo at the left is me at about two months of age taking a full belly pounding from brother Bernie (13 months old) with brother Joe (3 1/2 years old) in the supporting role. In the back ground is our trusty, old dog, Socks. Unfortunately there's no audio but I'm sure Joe is saying, "What the heck! She hasn't burped yet!?"

:circa 1960

Can you can guess who the folks are in the photo to the left? You might be surprised who these players are. Start from left to right, first row we have Peggy, Andrew Bernie; 2nd row left to right we have "Mountain" (Martin) Grandpa Bayer, Mom, Dad and the fellow on the far right is Slim, Strap-Slappy Pickins (a.k.a Joe-boy).

: circa June 1968

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Student Teaching!!!

Hey Everyone!
I finally figured out how to get on this blog.

I am currently living at home with Mom and Dad while student teaching and taking a teaching seminar class once a week at Alfred University. Tomorrow, I end my first placement at HF-L. Monday, October 28th I will be starting my second placement at Bloomfield Elementary. The kids are great here at HF-L! I am in charge of a photography class, 3 studio art classes and a sculpture class. Im soooo proud of everyone's ecomplishments! Both the studio and sculpture kids have really done an amazing job on thier projects which I:

-Brainstormed myself
-Wrote a 5-6 page lesson plan
-Facilitated/helped along the way
-Displayed the artwork.

When going into college, in never thought I would really love being a teacher, I just wanted to do it for something concrete to pay my loans back with. However, from the first week up until now, I realize I do like teaching a lot and it has been a good choice to take this road. I can definitely see myself in my own classroom someday. The question is...High School or Elementary? I'll see what I think after this next placement. I graduate in December with a Major in Art and Design, a Minor in Education and will be certified to teach art K-12 in the state of NY!
On the weekends I am working at an Italian Resturaunt. I love the people I work with and now that the school year has started, the money has been good.

I'll give you the update on Elementary Teaching when I am at Bloomfield!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cummings Nature Center, Naples NY (Ranger School Woodsman's Team)

Brain gets a workout with the Ranger School Woodsman's Team at the Cummins Nature Center in Naples, N.Y.
Nothing like a little bit of log cutting and pulp tossing to get the heart pumping.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dear Family,

A unique event took place over the weekend that my brother Larry and I were fortunate to attend.

It all started with a call from an old friend of mine Saturday morning. Jim Trott once played in a bluegrass band I came to know and was an unofficial roadie for, ‘The Hogs Back Ridge Band’ (or Hogs for short). Jim was so excited on the phone that his voice was trembling as he prepared me for the news to follow.

Jim explained that through his daughter (via face book) someone had inquired as to the name "Trott" and asked if she knew Jim Trott. The people called Jim old friends connected and he in turn learned of a bluegrass gathering that was to be in Lima, on Doran Road. Jim was blown away when he realized the event was on the former Decker farm and called me first thing Saturday morning. He had spent the previous night pickin’ and singing with these friends and was heading back again that afternoon to play some more. Another one of the former Hogs band members was there as well and had recorded a CD with the family in recent years.

I had called Jim earlier in the summer asking him if he would like to attend a bluegrass festival I knew of in Ovid, NY. Mary's cousin, John Denniston, is the mandolin player for the host band (Seneca County Bluegrass) that has the festival on one of the members’ farm for the past couple of summers. I never heard back from Jim regarding the invitation but he had one better for me. It turns out that cousin John was also in the loop of acquaintances and had been to the gathering on Friday night as well....small world.

The extended host family once lived in the Wayland area and used to come out to see the Hogs play whenever they were in the area. Now after 30+ years they had developed into a family of pickers and singers themselves; Dad on guitar, Mom on stand-up bass, sisters on mandolin and banjo. Stacy and Jamie are now grown woman with young families of their own. Jamie and her husband Dan are now the proud owners of the large home built in the center of the former Decker farm in Lima. They have been on Doran Road now for three years and this was their 3rd such party in October.

I told Jim that I was going to be out at our Lima property that afternoon and would stop in to see him and the rest of the bluegrass pickers. After an afternoon of projects in the woods, I changed into an extra set of clean jeans and a T-shirt and drove down the long driveway to the house.

Was I surprised to see the rows of cars parked in the front lawn and a dozen or so campers around the property! There were guests and friends from near and far as well as several Canadians in town for the weekend. In the side yard was a 20’x 40’ tent set up with an adjoining 10’x 30’ food tent. There were rows of lawn chairs set up facing one corner of the large tent that had a carpet laid down for the pickin’ area.

Slowly I moved about the crowd and soon met up with my buddy, Jim. We met up with the former Hogs banjo player, Tom Carle and I was then introduced to the homeowners (Jamie and Dan) and their extended family. There was a break in the music to celebrate the 40th wedding anniversary of Jamie's parents, Jim & Bonnie Smoot, before the music started-up again. I wandered around the grounds to take a look at the old (Decker) family swimming hole located behind the house.

The night sky was fading and the cool evening air was settling in as a full moon rose above the Decker woods to the east. I found it striking that a once barren, god forsaken clay knoll at the center of our old farm was now the new center of a full blown bluegrass festival. I was overcome with a range of emotion looking back on all the history and ironic collision of events that led me to be there at this moment in time. Considering all that was taking place in my life at the present and the past history of this place it was a heavy moment for me to say the least. I made a call to brother Larry and urged him to drive on over and share the evening with me.

In time Larry arrived as did several of the surrounding neighbors to enjoy the sights and sounds of the night. It was a fun time that has now slipped away into memories that will last for some, a life time.

Joe D.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Owen Luke Klos

Our new baby ~ Owen Luke Klos!

Owen was born on Friday, September 25, 2009 (our due date) @ 8:24 pm, 8 lbs 12 oz, 21 in.

Kat & Owen are doing well & Isaac is very excited to be a big brother!

~ Matt, Kat, Isaac & Owen

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Skydivivg at Otay Lakes, CA

Jordan & Jen,

Pre-skydiving harness in place, almost time to hit the plane.

I'm pleased to report that Jordan and Jen made it back to tierra firma at a safe speed.

Sept. 19, 2009

Hey John-boy; did you lock the keys in the car, again?

"I wish!"

Judy and I attended the 30th Annual WaveCrest, Woodie Car Show at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, CA. Awesome cars, tons of the 'California Beach Culture thing' and Beach Boys sounds bouncing around in our heads. IT WAS WAY TOO COOL!

Take care, Jd & Judy/SD

Friday, September 18, 2009

September 13 ---- 1/2 Marathon Memorial Run

I noticed that the "postings" on our blog have gotten a little thin, quite possibly due to the trauma of this past summers events. It just so happens that I do have something of interest to share. I participated in the Rochester 1/2 Marathon held this past Sunday along with our nephew Bernie Klos. I already shared "my adventure" with Sam and she encouraged me to post it for the rest of us to share.

As many may already know, I have taken up running about two years ago and it started when I saw both Abby and Alex participate in X-country and Track. I figured it would be intersting to see how running felt in a middle-aged body ( thats right, middle-aged body..what, what are YOU all going to say?!) I quickly realized that running is a full contact sport; I came into "full contact" with how diminished my physical powers were compared to my memories of running as a child! Running if pursued seriously makes working out at a gym seem easy. I have since ran in about 6 5k races which are 3.1 miles. Even though these are "long distance" events they are generally the shortest of long races and hence are run rather quickly.

While at Bernie's funeral I was talking to Bernie Klos and he happened to mention running in the Rochester 1/2 Marathon. He recounted that he was planning on it but once he heard the news of his uncle's death and that it coincided with Bernie's B-day he knew that he "just had to run it now." Right then I made the decision that I too would join him. This was an interesting challenge to me because the differnce in length of a 5k compared to a 1/2 marathon is more than 4x, the 1/2 is 13.1 miles. Normally runners build up to a longer race but I felt that I had motivation enough.... do it for Bernie. It turns out that Bernie was a runner himself. Sam related that he ran in the spring and summer for the past 4 years and he did it at the urging of Sam to get in shape. It is amazing what people do for love!

Well that is the framework for the tale I will recount now, and it does have a happy ending too. About a week before the race I reconnected with a buddy who is virtualy impossible to pin down; I tried unsuccesfully for about 5 years! He invited me and my family to visit him at his home on Duck lake, this is a beautiful lake situated between Rochester and Syracuse north of Rt.104. I concocted a plan to visit him with my son Alex on Saturday and spend the night; "The best made plans of mice and man". My host had invited us because he was having a get-together with several buddies and to enjoy what little of summer we had left. Long story short: when the last of the guests left we had dinner by 10:15 pm and went to bed at 12 pm. These are not ideal conditions to launch into uncharted running waters much less a race in general. We awoke Sunday morning at 5:30am as planned. My host assured us that it would take roughly an hour to get to Rochester, unfortunately being in a strange location and home has its own challenges; we left later than our intended 6am and also discovered that the trip to the city took closer to an hour and a half! At his point my ever-growing teeage son was fast asleep while I was participating in my own "Pre 1/2 marathon race" racing to get to the race. Brother Bernie and I must share some of the same genetics because this is all to familar. It gets more convoluted.

Ultimately I missed the start-time by a mere 31 minutes. A very fast 5k race can be completed in about 15 minutes to give some racing perspective. When I checked in at Frontier field for the race and subsequently came in contact with several volunteers, no one bothered to state the obvious, such non-statements I have learned from past experiences usually only accompany REALLY BIG screw-ups! It's as if I was waging my own personal battle of "shock and Awe"; the onlookers were too shocked or polite to remind me that there would be no visible competitors for me to see at the start-line. I was accompanied by Alex to the starting line located on Andrew's St. (How appropriate). At exactly 8:16 Alex announced "Go" and I began my lonely vigil down the street. At this point the only thing that kept me "in the race" and not conceding to the foolishness of starting all alone and with no directions!, was the knowledge that Bernie Klos was already out there and that I was running this in memory of Brother Bernie who in a much different sense was also already "out there". Biblicaly speaking he had run well the hard race set before him and now enjoys the crown of life. Undoubtly he has a much better body now than I have! (Look it up!)

As I ran along I didn't have the benefit of seeing a well mapped out course route since all the officals and spectators, etc. had long moved on. I only had a vague sense of the course and was aided a lot by evidence of the race; there were numerous shirts abandonded and scattered along the route which slowly became less as I traveled on. I stopped several times to ask the few people I did see if they saw the race. Eventually I did come upon a course offical who handed me a map. Around mile 4 or 5 I came upon the "walkers" of this event and from there on it was easy. I got to pass them all one by one. Around mile 8 the first of the Marathoners (26.2 miles) glided past me. This was to be expected since they started at 7:30am and many are much faster than I. In many ways this race was actually easier than a 5k because my main goal was simple-finish the race; as such, I found a comfortable pace and stuck to it, even allowing for a bathroom break, stops for stretching, and stops for water/gatorade. In all I probably spent 10 minutes not running. I finished the race minus the "rest times" in 2 hours and 10 minutes.

The Post-race events were pretty sweet. The runners section included many goodies such as all the food one could eat of pizza, chocolate milk, oranges, bannanas, bagels, gatorade, etc.. If you run like a kid you may as well eat like one and I did. There were professional massues there who gave massages on the spot. They worked my tired legs over for about 15 minutes and then I moved over to the next tent and had a chair massage for another 10 minutes. This was all accompanied with a live band. Finally we left and sometime that day I had the catch-up sleep I missed from the night before and the workout of that morning. I may well try another 1/2 marathon but this time I'd like to do it under different circumstances and perhaps with some caffeine too.

Post Script:

At a X-country meet this week Alex identified one of the coaches there as a 1/2 marathoner in my race. I had to say something to him. It turns out that he came in 2nd and his traveling buddy took 1st out of a field of about 1600 runners. This was impressive I thought but then he asked me if I wanted to hear something funny. It turns out that both of them had to take a last minute "pit stop" in the bathroom prior to the race and both missed the start by 45 seconds! This is all starting sound strangely familar...... I guess the lesson to be learned from all of this is it doesn't matter when one starts or even how long one runs just as long as one enjoys the trip and finishes their race well. Well done Bow, see you at the finish line!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

God bless you Burna.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


July 16, 1988
Andrew's best man Bernie...a very appropriate title!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rocks from Rockridge

The water level in the south forty swamp has been rising threatening to wash-out the trail headed toward the 'Dead Fox Tree' and picnic point. With Dad's old rock sled and Ford tractor having been long retired, Joe had no choice but to go native with his truck, Old Blue. After hauling and placing 40 tons of rock, the trail and levy on east end of the swamp is now secure. Another job well done - another nature trail maintained for posterity. Thanks, Joe.

Brian, the truck and one dead buck

Joe tell's me that his son Brian is busy working on his new/old truck. On the way to work the other day Brian plastered a buck. The buck lost the battle but Brian's truck took one on the cheek (so to speak). The truck needed some grill work, a bit of bumper business and a new headlamp assembly from what I hear. In the picture Corey and Brian are discussing the idea of installing a bumper guard or some sort of modified cow-catcher for the truck ..... make that a 'deer-catcher' for the truck.

SC as a memory

Dear Family E-Subscribers;

We sold the Charleston house on May 29th, 2009. We have a lot of good memories with family that visited and our travels around the Southeastern U.S. We got to Florida a time or two to visit with Mom & Dad when they rented the condo south of St. Augustine; Judy and I took weekend trips to Savannah, GA, Hilton Head, SC, Washington DC, the Biltmore Estate and mansion in Asheville NC and all things around Charleston, SC. We also got a chance to attend the Decker Fall Hike/Walk for a couple of years in-a-row (I made it back for three hikes in recent years and Judy made it back for two consecutive years.) Life is a journey and our adventures in Charleston, SC are done for now. One day we may return as visitors and walk the old stone streets of Charleston, but that's all. Judy and I both made lots of friends during our whirlwind residency - Judy started and managed the Program Management Office (PMO) for SAIC in support of their customer at SPAWAR-Atlantic and I worked the MRAP program and later the NCES program for SPAWAR-Atlantic. We had our business adventures and our liesure adventures but mostly we'll remember Charleston for the heavy work schedules. We got to sample some Southern finery when we lived in the Carriage House at 87 East Bay St. on Rainbow Row but our work schedules were some of the most demanding or our adult lives. .... It's safe to say that we like SoCal and San Diego a lot more. Home is where the heart is - sunny San Diego with our boys. later, jd & jd/sd

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dear Family;

Whose’ the big fish…that would be Hayley!

She is no longer a “teen” and turned 20 today…. and to celebrate she was hoping to catch the 20 # fish. She got close. Poppa Gordy spirit (Grandfather Gordy Christensen) must have had a hand in the catch. Later, Larry

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

There must be something in the water

I just wanted to let everyone know that yet another baby will be joining the recent list of new arrivals in our family...Craig and I will be having our second baby due to arrive December 1st. I'm 15 weeks along. I planned it that way so I wouldn't have to do any cooking or cleanup on Thanksgiving. :) Sarah is hoping for a sister and her parents don't mind either way. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that her Dad wants a boy. We don't plan on finding out the gender until the big day. When I told Grandma the news she said "It's about time." The kids will only be 17 months (pretty much to the day) apart, but I guess in Grandma's time that would be spaced pretty far. (hehe)

We just got back from a vacation at Seneca Lake with my siblings and their families. We rented a cottage on the lake for a week. A great time was had by all! We went to Watkins Glenn, visited Geneva, hiked in Ithaca, canoed, toasted smores, played Rock Band, visited various wineries and ate a lot of food. They offer root beer to the non drinkers at wineries. Isaac and Sarah played together and got along most of the time. We have decided that this will be a recurring event every year but are unsure of where the next location will be.

Until later,
v 1.1

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

This is the first evening we've had at home all together in quite a while. We all sat down to a "day-before-a-race" pasta dinner and then Andrew, Aidan and I took a walk in the woods. I love this photo because you really get a sense for how lush and green New York is in late spring. It might just have been the perfect walk except for the unsettling sound of gypsy moth caterpillar poop raining down from above. This year they (the caterpillars) are horrendous! Then Andrew burned a giant pile of boxes for a quick bonfire, and Abby, Alex, Andrew and Aidan went up to the barn to jump on the trampoline. An evening like this is greatly appreciated after all the running around we've been doing.
:o) Hope

Friday, May 29, 2009

Corporate Challenge Race

Hello everybody. I thought it was about time that I jumped in and blogged too. I am still feelilng the effects of last nights race at RIT. I entered and ran the infamous JP Morgan Corporate Challenge race which began Thursday night at 7pm. The rain was threatening all evening and held off until 5 minutes befor the race began. I've never participated in an event quite like this. As I predicted, I was bumping elbows with runners from start to finish which offered a rather different prespective to usual 5k-type races. Also, with the constant downpour, I had the combined relief of not overheating or sweating but the strange sensation of being"waterboarded" because I found myself swallowing water every minute. It was a strange and wonderful event to run with 9,000 others. My final time in the 3.5 miles adjusted for the 2 minutes wasted before I crossed the start-line was 29:39, or basically a 8:20 or so minute mile pace.Afterwards I had a meal with my tent which was the RCSD,unfortunately I didn't know any of them. When it came time to leave thousands of unhappy campers stood in a light rain- again- and waited for buses to shuttle them off. If I learned anything from my years of observing dad in a crowd situation, I learned that #1) He hated them, and #2) He did anything to avoid them. I could see that I could be a hapless watersoaked victim in this katrinia ll senario or I could be adventureous and try to get into one of the academic buildings. I choose the latter and in my second attempt, a door was open in some gym. I roamed around refreshing myself in climate-controled air, enjoyed hot water from a sink and in general killed time waiting for the crowds to disperse. The hot showers were very tempting but I decided to not press my luck. Afterwards I stopped by Peggy's apartment, as planned, and spent the night so I wouldn't have to take the long trek home. WIll I ever participate in that particular event again? I got a year to think about it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Judy and I attended a Bar Mitzvah celebration this last weekend in Warrenton, VA for Cindi Reiss's son, Zachary. It was quite an affair starting with a service and Torah readings on Saturday followed by a celebration at the Airlie House. I now know why young Jewish boys and girls have an academic head-start on the rest of us; they have to study for their Torah readings. A major study in language, Jewish culture and history. The celebration after the service was quite lavish and inclusive of young and old alike. There was a DJ, a T-shirt artist/painter, three separate buffet lines and more. The setting was amazing. The Airlie house was a large working estate that has been transformed into a business retreat, luxury hotel and exclusive dinning destination complete with it's own air strip for private planes and small executive jets. The old barns, farm houses and other out-buildings have been converted into hotel rooms and the estate includes many gardens, ponds, and watershed areas. Nice digs for a Bar Mitzvah celebration indeed! Cindi was doing her part to promote the economic stimulus package in the Warrenton, VA area, for sure. On Sunday we attend a brunch at Cindi's house before everyone left town. It was nice to see old friends that we've met through the years from work and other social adventures from the West Coast to the East Coast and back again.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Breaking the July Trend ...

Sorry Bernie, but we decided we need more than just one cousin birthday party a year, so we are breaking the trend of July babies for the Klos siblings. Isaac is going to be a big brother this fall ~ our new baby is due to arrive on September 25! We are going to wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl because it is so much fun letting Isaac guess. He is very excited - he likes to hug & kiss Kat's belly, and he likes to put a blanket over her belly and say "Nite-Nite Sleep Baby!" Here are a few pics of the baby at 18 weeks on April 24 and Kat at 20 weeks last Friday.

We are currently finishing up the spring semester of teaching at the college ... just in time for Matt to start one last big house project before the baby arrives. Right before Isaac was born we completely gutted and remodeled our kitchen, so being as this is the second baby, we had to raise the bar. We will be gutting and remodeling our upstairs (currently two bedrooms that we only use for storage) into a master bedroom with full bath, the new nursery, and a landing with a large closet (gotta love the old houses with zero closet space!) Luckily we have a lot of great friends who have volunteered to help out.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone in Rochester in 2 weeks!

Matt, Kat, Isaac & our new baby

Saturday, May 2, 2009

After a Run In with a Deer Fly

This is poor Andrew last summer after a deer fly bite on his cheek. As you can see his face swelled right up. He was very uncomfortable but it provided an opportunity for Andrew to ham it up for the camera while I laughed my fool head off and I snapped some pictures. I used one of these photos for his "follower" picture. My secret hope is that if I post an embarrassing photo, Andrew might enter into the 21st century and actually change his follower photo...or post a comment...or even just READ THE BLOG!

Aidan in a Hole

Abby and Alex made this hole for me on the beach in the Florida Keys. I liked it!


Florida Keys in February

During our February break we went to the Florida Keys and stayed with my parents on Big Pine Key.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

... the ride to Laughlin 2009

A turn-out on S22 over looking Borrego Springs, CA the far east edge of San Diego County near the Salton Sea. This year there were seven bikes and a total of eight riders. My buddy Randy Hartsock was riding two-up (his wife Laci was riding with him).

Mad dogs of the Laughlin River Run, April 22nd - 26th

Since I've been riding 'point' I thought I'd buy a new helmet so the rest of the Harley Boys won't lose site of me. What do ya think?

Wendy Decker's BFA Thesis Exhibition May 9-16

We got this postcard in the mail today from Wendy Decker. Great art work don't ya think! Her gmail address is Send her an email with your feedback.

later, #5

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hola mi familia!

Matt, Isaac & I (Kat) were blessed to be able to spend a week for spring break in Barcelona, Spain this March. We wanted to take Isaac on a big trip before he turns 2 in July and costs money to fly ... so we randomly picked Barcelona because none of us had ever been there. Isaac is an amazing little traveler ~ he slept on most of the flights and the flight attendants adored him, giving him extra toys and snacks. We saw a lot of amazing things in Barcelona from the Mediterranean (freezing cold right now!) to cathedrals, buildings and parks by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. We hiked up a mountain to check out Castle Montjuic, went to the zoo and Chocolate museum (some of Isaac's favorite places!). Matt & I love to explore new cities by walking around everywhere ... and it was definitely different pushing a stroller around on this trip. But we loved having Isaac with us, and he really enjoyed seeing all of the planes, buses and pigeons (which he referred to as "chickens" for some strange reason).We returned to reality and the spring college semester, which will be over for us in about a month, so we have a lot of grading of our students' artwork ahead of us. And after walking all day every day for a week, Isaac is constantly asking us to take him on walks and climbing into his stroller and just sitting by the door, waiting for us to take him outside. We're heading to New York City for the day next weekend, so that will be a little reminiscent of our trip, and a fun family outing. We updated our website, and there are some more pictures of our trip to Barcelona on there, as well as other random things we have been up to. We can't wait to see everyone at the end of May in NY.

Love & Blessings,~Matt, Kat & Isaac

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We're celebrating Easter in San Diego for the first time since 2005. Back in 2006 Judy and I were road warriors; me with Diebold and Judy with SAIC between Washington DC and Charleston. In 2007 & 2008 we were in Charleston, SC but this year we're back on the west (left) coast.

Judy claims she couldn't find the old Easter decorations and that maybe everything was lost in the move back to San Diego (ya, right!). So she headed to the clearance sales and bought a big a-- bunny and a bunch of baskets at the Salvation Army Store for 50 cents apiece. We're in the Easter business once again.

The boys are joining us for a ham dinner with all the trimmings on Easter Sunday. Then it's snouts in the candy until dark.

Take care and Happy Easter everyone. John & Judy/sd.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Joaquin and Leticia

Here are photos of Joaquin and his fiancee, Leticia, during their visit to Webster last summer.
Joaquin stayed with us two summers as a young lad, and Bernard stayed with Joaquin's family in Zaragosa, Spain as a sophomore in high school. Or thereabouts. Joaquin will always be a member of the family. Joaquin is now a Process Engineer for Procter and Gamble and lives in Italy. If you ask him what he does at work, he'll reply "I make diapers".

Friday, March 13, 2009

Still pawing through the old photo albums and digging-up tidbits. There just ain't enough hours in a day to service all these actives. I did run across this photo (circa 1989) of that trip to the Anza Borrego Desert. We were testing out the new VW Westfalia, camper van. It was a neat machine with a pop-up tent for overhead bunking, a two burner stove, refrigerator, etc. The only thing it didn't have was a potty... no problem when you got boys. (... is this learned behavior or what?!) Nothing wrong with watering a manzanita bush, though. We were just thinking green, right? #5

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The girls have it 2 to 1.

Just a little update... Jackie is officially 20 weeks pregnant today (March 11th). So, halfway there. We found out last Monday that it's a girl. Fortunately our neighbor just 2 doors down (that is due the day after Jackie) is also having a girl. Another 2 ladies in the neighborhood are due soon and we're crossing our fingers that they all have girls, so that ours will have plenty of friends (and noone for me to chase around in another 15 years or so).

Also, we're working on the baby room. Without exaggeration, we've tried 11 different colors of green... but I think we're almost there (still in some disagreement).

Til the next update.... Bernie, Jackie and 10oz-er

Monday, March 9, 2009

Coming to you live from Kenmore NY...

Hello everyone. I feel bad that I've never written in the paper version of the family letter and am only now making my first post. I hope the Decker Blog lives on for a long time. So, here goes nothing…
I'd first like to say I enjoy the photos that everyone has been posting. I would love to post some photos of my own, but unfortunately my laptop was stolen. Apparently the town of Kenmore is not as safe as I first thought…while Kari and I were at work, someone broke into our house and stole our brand new laptop, our camera, a bottle of Tanqueray (a delicious bottle of gin that Bernie gave me for a gift) and a bottle of grape vodka. I'm upset about the computer because of the sensitive personal information that we had on it, the thousands of pictures we have on it…and of course the thousands of illegally pirated music (on the brightside I guess the FBI won't be knocking on my door anytime soon). I'm also pretty angry that my wife is afraid to be in her own home sometimes. I'm sure it was just some young misguided youth and not some dangerous heroine addict that broke in.
The picture I am posting, which was taken the other day, is of the bar that I just completed. Bernie helped me out a great deal…the box molding was his idea. Apparently Grandpa's woodworking gene has hit many of the Decker clan…Uncle Martin, Uncle Larry, Uncle Joe and Bernie to say the least. I built the frame of the bar two summers ago, and finally began work on it again last November. Bernie came up from Rochester to help, and the first thing we did was take apart everything that I had worked on the prior year. You'd think building your own bar would be cheap, but if I were to total up all the receipts, I bet it was much more than going out and buying one from the store. Not to mention the $214 I spent on liquor on Saturday, and the $175 I spent on the mini-fridge yesterday.
Saturday is our 4th annual St. Patty's day party. We expect about 40 - 50 people in our small 1,500 sq foot house, but it should be good times. The bar will come in handy for the party. I'm looking forward to playing some beer pong and drinking Irish car bombs…it's the one day of the year that I pretend I'm in college still.
I was reading Uncle John's post the other day and laughed out loud when I saw the picture of Jordan in the ghost buster's t-shirt. I was wearing a ghost buster's t-shirt myself when I read his post. You would not believe the awesome t-shirts you can buy from Target…Wheaties, Transformers, and Ghostbusters to name a few.
Well, my post is getting too long… I'm sure people have stopped reading many paragraphs ago. There is much more to write, but I'll save it to another day. I like how when everyone signs off, they give the # that represents them and not their name. I can picture Grandma yelling at Uncle John at the dinner table back in the day…"#5 you stop hitting #1 or no dessert for you!" Ha. Later.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I’ve been meaning to scan some of the photos in our numerous, family albums and save them digitally. After a few computer crashes and the loss of a backup drive I’ll have to devise a well thought-out plan.

… And so, instead of watching the slow crash of the stock market for yet another day, I decided to play with some photos and my digital scanner. Can you guess who this character is? Yes, that’s right the vanity have jumped, not ‘crawled’ forward on this posting. It’s me! ‘Bird-Boy’ circa 1956 or something. Mom gave it to me a long while back and it’s survived the trip from Penfield, N.Y. to Lima, N.Y. to San Diego and the Clairemont house, then the SD Penasquitos house, then the move to N. Charleston, SC and finally back to Penasquitos/San Diego, CA (wow… the poor darn thing!).

I checked out the back of the photo before I scanned it and there was a very faint bit of printing on it. I immediate rummaged around the house for my reading glasses, a common occurrence these days, to get a better look at the printing. It read:

George W. Allen
320 Laurelton Rd
Rochester 9, N.Y.

Wow! So long ago that the zip code is simply ‘9’! I wonder what the zip code for Lima, N.Y. was? …. ‘X’! (just kiddin, just kiddin).

Anyway, I found another picture to scan, in fact I pulled the sucker right off the wall and removed it from the frame. This one feature our three boys. It was taken in the southern part of the Anza Borrego Desert circa 1990.

Notice the coveted Ghost Buster T-shirt on boy #2. It was initially worn by Justin, washed so many times that the 3-D decal on the front, completely obliterated and fell-off and then was passed down to boy #2. Clothes passed-down is a great tradition in the Decker Family. I’m sure that my Sears, Tough Skin Pants are still perfectly intact at the bottom of the old Lima dump… the one at the end of Buell St. or something or other.

Take care and keep on posting to the DeckerFamilyBlog.


Here is a picture from cousin Patti of her parents on their wedding day. I thought everyone would enjoy it!

- Kristen

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

... so what do ya think of my cutie, Judy? (My heart be still.)
It seems that the whole world has become nothing but password access!!! Judy and I have been back from C-Town for 3 months and I'm still changing, updating, revising, recording, protecting, backing-up, looking-up and mostly trying to remember all the passwords that open the various (cyber) doors associated with our daily activities. I've created various spreadsheets, that are password protected of course, to other passwords so I can get to yet more passwords.

.. and so I forgot the password to the Family Blog so I'm rummaging around to find it which uncovers other things that I forgot to do which leads me down another worm hole. I find a get way to chill-out is to get up, wander around and look for that "other set" of reading glasses. Hunting for reading glasses has become a part-time job. Now I know why older folks wear shirts with a pocket.... it's for the reading glasses. (Don't get me going on the granny-chain thing. I ain't buying another set of those.) I suppose I'm in denial. I should just wear the suckers all the time; masking taped in the middle, whatever.

I think the family blog thing is neat. Judy has a friend on FaceBook so we took the plunge and set accounts up on that. I didn't fill the entire profile in and I haven't posted a picture as yet. I'm old school but willing to learn new tricks.... let's see, what was that user name and password for my FaceBook account....?

I got a precious photo of my girl that was sent to us by sister Nancy. It was taken at the grandparent's cottage somewhere up in Wisconsin or moose-butt Minnesota. I'll have to get more info on it. Anyway, it sure warmed my heart.

Congratulations to all you youger family members in your family endeavors. We got two July babies in our family (Justin and Jeremy.)

Take care. Will blog soon. #5

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let's see if this puppy works..

.. or perhaps I should say baby? After 6 years of enjoying our marriage, Jackie and I (Bernie) decided to give it all up and start a family. The picture above is of Jackie trying out some maternity clothes that her mother gave her for Christmas (with a pillow as a belly)... she really hasn't gained any weight yet. She's 14 weeks along today with an arrival date of July 26th, 2009.

This is a 3-peat for the Klos family. So far we've hit July babies 2007, 2008 and now 2009. I'm not sure who's going to step up for 2010, but we're working hard to aim for just one big cousin summer birthday bash... so don't screw it up.

Aside from that, nothing too exciting from Jackie and I. We're still employed, so that's good - I drove Jackie to the airport at 4:30am today. She's headed to WV for a couple days for work and I couldn't send her off into the dark & snow with a clear conscience. Work is keeping both of us quite busy, but we're not complaining.

What else? What else? We're in the process of refinancing our 1.5 year old house.. which I'm kind of excited about. Rates are pretty low, so we're jumping on it. I went skiing last night with Uncle Larry and that was a lot of fun. After years of hearing how good Larry and John are at skiing, it was fun to finally see it first hand (I was able to keep up).

Okay, that's it from us. Just wanted to test this blog out.

Bernie & Jackie & closed fist (that's how big the books all say the baby is at this point)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From John

Dear Family;

It’s been way, way too long since Judy and I contributed to the family letter. Regarding the Decker Boys; they’re old enough to submit on their own, plus the fact that we really couldn’t keep track of their daily activities if we tried.

Here’s a nuts, nutshell sketch and short, short microburst of all the family letter time we’ve missed;

We packed-up and moved from San Diego to Charleston, SC over the holidays in 2006.

Lived in a downtown carriage house then bought a home.

Judy started-up and headed the program management office for SAIC on the SPAWAR contract.

John went to work for EMA integrating C4I comm gear on MRAP vehicles.

In 2007 John went to work with LCE on a SPAWAR contract

In November 2008 John and Judy packed-up and headed back to San Diego

There’s a lot more pieces to the puzzle but that’s the basic sketch. We did some traveling, we met lots of people and different characters and came to realize that San Diego is like no other. Home is a relative thing but mostly it’s where one feels most comfortable…. and San Diego is a very comfortable place to be.

Besides, Judy likes the California beaches best.